Victory Brewing, the Pennsylvania craft brewer with a penchant for innovation, has announced the re- release of Sour Monkey along with a brand new take on this beloved beer, Sour Monkey Remix.
Sour Monkey debuted in the spring of 2015 and has been winning over fans ever since. As Victory Brewing fans know, Sour Monkey is a twist on the popular Golden Monkey. Using the latter as a base, Sour Monkey is then brewed with added Brettanomyces yeast, Tettnang and Hallertau whole flower hops, pilsner malt, and coriander seeds. Sour Monkey also undergoes secondary fermentation with two strains of Brettanomyces yeast for added funkiness.
Sour Monkey was only around for a short time when it launched in 2015, but strong demand convinced Victory Brewing to bring the beer back in 2016 as a seasonal release. It was sold only in 750 ml bottles, but this time around, Sour Monkey will enjoy a new packaging option as it debuts in 12 oz. bottles for the first time. This is great for Victory’s Sour Monkey fans, many of whom love the beer enough to easily finish off a 750 ml bottle, but would prefer the added consumption flexibility that 12 oz. servings provide.
As if Sour Monkey’s return wasn’t reason enough to rejoice, Victory Brewing has another release ready to ring in the 2017 year. It is Sour Monkey Remix, a beer that takes the original Sour Monkey to new levels of deliciousness by aging in oak barrels. This imparts an aroma and taste of oak, as expected, but with other added sensory delights such as vanilla. The only somewhat negative news with Sour Monkey Remix is its limited availability. It will be sold only on tap and in 750 ml bottles and will be available in Victory’s Downington, Kennett Square, and Parkesburg brewpubs, but no place else. This is great news for Philadelphia- area craft beer fans but even those of you who live in the city of Brotherly Love need to act quickly, because this beer will NOT last very long.
Look for Sour Monkey at places where Victory beer is presently sold, throughout the 35 state distribution area, beginning January 1, 2017. Sour Monkey Remix will be available at the locations listed above starting on January 20, 2017. These are two amazing beers worth seeking out so grab a six pack or 750 ml bottle as soon as they cross your field of vision.
To learn more about Victory Brewing Company be sure to visit online at www.victorybeer.com.
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