Canton, Ohio is a popular destination for NFL fans everywhere, many of whom place a visit to the Pro Football Hall of Fame high on their individual bucket lists. Canton and the surrounding areas are also a haven for something else- something often associated with football and sports in general. That something is craft beer and today, Visit Canton and Lunar Cow Publishing announce the launch of Passport Brew Tour, dedicated to showcasing the excellent craft suds brewed in Northeast Ohio.
Passport Brew Tour encompasses four Ohio Counties: Holmes, Stark, Tuscarawas, and Wayne. The tour features nineteen different craft breweries. Here is an alphabetical listing of participating establishments:
- BJs Brewhouse
- Canton Brewing
- Crush House at Gervasi
- Fat Heads Brewing
- Hoodletown Brewing
- JAFB Wooster Brewing
- Jens Place Craft Beer Taproom
- Laxton Hollow Brewing Works
- Lockport Brewery
- Magic City Brewing
- Mucky Duck Brewery
- Muskellunge Brewing
- Paradigm Shift Brewery
- Sandy Springs Brewing
- Shale Brewery
- Sublime Smoke Fine BBQ and Craft Brew
- Thirsty Dog Brewing
- Uniontown Brewing
- Wooly Pigfarm Brewery
Passport Brew Tour will work much like other passport programs. Craft beer fans will need to visit each location and partake in beer, food, and entertainment. Each location will have passports available and they can also be picked up at the Convention and Visitors Bureau in any one of the four participating counties. With each brewery visit, guests will need to make a qualifying purchase in order to receive an official passport stamp. Once all of the breweries have been visited, participants will need to return to the host brewery, Canton Brewing, where they will redeem for an official Brew Tour t-shirt.
Tonja Marshall, Visit Canton’s VP of Marketing and Communications, says the program is intended to encourage tourists to check out the many craft breweries that call this area home.
“With the increasing interest in craft beers and the addition of several new breweries in the county, we felt that visitors coming to the area would appreciate an organized brew tour so they can enjoy all of the beers Stark County has to offer,” said Marshall.
Lunar Cow President Benjamin Harris says the program will be great for finding delicious craft beer and for discovering other attractions, too.
“The craft beer industry is booming and beer enthusiasts have become more organized and social in their consumption of craft beer. The Passport Brew Tour not only promotes local breweries but also brings the participants together and provides information on the area,” Harris added.
The Passport Brew Tour kicks off on September 1, 2018 and runs all the way through the last day of the year, December 31, 2018. Coinciding roughly with the National Football League season, it’s the perfect way to soak up the local craft beer scene in the area while rooting your favorite team to victory. For more information, visit www.passportbrewtour.com.
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