Anheuser- Busch InBev is still on the prowl for craft beer takeovers and its latest acquisition is certain to turn some craft beer loving heads- and some fingers- in a not so flattering direction.
Wicked Weed, the beloved Asheville, North Carolina brewery with a loyal following and extensive/critically acclaimed lineup of well- crafted brew, has been swallowed up by Anheuser- Busch InBev. Now part of the High End, the craft beer arm of the international brewing conglomerate, Wicked Weed will join Goose Island, Breckenridge Brewing, Golden Road Brewing, Karbach Brewing, Four Peaks Brewing, Blue Point Brewing, Elysian Brewing, and 10 Barrel Brewing as it takes a seat in this growing section of the A-B InBev corporate bus.
Wicked Weed Co- founder Walt Dickinson, when asked about the decision to sell, spoke in an optimistic tone typical of craft brewery owners who ink deals with A-B Inbev:
“This is an exciting time for the entire brewing team. Our ability to create a wide range of really well executed beers that are focused on creativity, quality and drinkability is what makes Wicked Weed great. We have chosen to partner with The High End to position ourselves to make Wicked Weed what we imagined it could be when we first sat at a craft beer bar and talked about opening a brewery. As a brewer, giving our team more resources to continue innovating our portfolio and the ability to reach more craft drinkers, allows us to keep putting the beer and the people first,” Dickinson said.
Walt and Luke Dickinson, along with friends Ryan, Rick, and Denise Guthy, founded Wicked Weed in 2009 and it quickly grew to become one of the Asheville area’s most highly respected craft breweries. Great Beer Now visited the Asheville area a short time ago and made it a point to make a stop at Wicked Weed. Even though I live several states away, I was well aware of Wicked Weed Brewing, due in no small part to the brewing excellence that has defined this operation since its inception. With such high acclaim, Wicked Weed was a ‘must visit’ place and I made sure to add it to my brewery visitation plans.
Wicked Weed operates four different facilities in the Asheville area and employees more than 200 people. No monetary details of the buyout have been disclosed as of yet. It will be interesting to see how this buyout plays out in the minds and actions of the craft beer crowd, many of whom are stubbornly unforgiving when a well- known and well- loved brewery caves in to Big Brew.
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