What can be accomplished when an established brewery joins forces with a reputable charity? Quite a bit more than many realize, which is exactly the goal of Singapore’s Tiger Beer and the World Wildlife Fund.
Breweries are known for their philanthropic endeavors, community involvement, and desire to preserve the planet so the prospect of a brewery working with a charity isn’t all that shocking. What is notable, however, is the task at hand: To save wild tigers from their downward spiral toward extinction and increase the numbers of tigers by more than 50 percent by the year 2022.
Tigers once numbered more than 100,000 just a century ago but today, their ranks have been decimated and now number only around 3,890- a loss of more than 96 percent! The astonishing decline has led to conservation efforts, included Tx2, an agreement between different tiger- inhabited nations that aims to double the number of tigers living in the wild, pushing the numbers above 6,000 within the next 5 years.
Update: According to the latest research and data (March, 2024), there has been an increase in the number of tigers, and now The Total Number of Wild Tigers Worldwide is 5,574! Conservation efforts are working.
The World Wildlife Fund, one of the foremost non- profit champions of wildlife on the planet, is working with governments and other organizations to bring the tiger back from the brink. The partnership between WWF and Tiger Beer is one of many and World Wildlife Fund leader Mike Baltzer says the need for immediate action is crucial.
“Wild tigers are more than just a majestic species. As a predator at the top of their food chain, they are an indicator of the health of the ecosystems we all depend on. The Tx2 commitment is the best chance we have at securing the future of wild tigers and their habitats – tigers may never get such a chance again, and neither may we,” said Baltzer.
Tiger Beer is also playing an important role in the effort. This Singapore- brewed pale lager is part of Heineken and its interest in wild tigers goes far beyond the use of the big cat’s likeness on the beer’s label and corporate artwork, as Tiger Beer Global Director Mie- Leng Wong attests.
“It is an honor for us to partner with the WWF to help raise global awareness and make demand for products with tiger parts socially unacceptable. Tigers are more than just an emblem of our brand; they symbolize strength, courage and power. More importantly, they are significant cultural icons and a source of creative inspiration for the many artists Tiger Beer champions and supports through its activities. As Asia’s premium lager bearing the name of this majestic creature, we are taking it upon ourselves to fight for the survival of the world’s remaining 3,890 tigers and plan to use the power of art and creativity to lend a fresh perspective on the issue,” said Wong.
Tiger Beer is making a few changes to its packaging in order to increase awareness. As many know, the brand’s logo includes a depiction of a tiger but for a limited time, Tiger Beer is launching a new package design without the majestic cat. The idea is to drive home the fact that tigers are quickly disappearing and it’s up to all of us to take swift action to fight illegal trading in tiger skin, bones, teeth, etc. And to kick things off in a strong way, Tiger Beer has donated $1 million to the cause and enlisted the help of six artists to help create eye- catching Tiger beer package designs.
With the 3,890 number resounding so loudly, the organizers have decided to use this figure in its campaign, which will run through July 29. The 3890Tigers campaign begins today and interested individuals are encouraged to get involved by unleashing their creative, artistic side in support of the cause. Go to 3890Tigers.com to learn more, and do your part to help save wild tigers before their time runs out.
To follow the movement on social media, use hashtag #3890Tigers.
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