When you think about the taste of light beer, what is the first word that comes to mind? I have heard lighter brew referred to in many ways, but more often than not, the word of choice is “bland”. Light beers, as a whole, just don’t have much to offer in the flavor department and many feel the calories saved are not worth the taste sacrificed. However, there are some light beers that taste better than others and one good example is Yuengling Light, a low- calorie lager.

Beer Bio:
Style: Light American Lager
Calories: 99 per 12 oz. service
Carbs: 8.5 grams
Alcohol Content: 3.4 percent by volume
Yuengling Light is a beer that, based on appearance, seems exactly the way a light beer should be. The body of the beer has a golden/tan hue and a normal pour produces little to no foam. The aroma on this beer is light and sweet and while not offensive, doesn’t seem all that impressive. The taste, however, is a little better than the appearance would lead you to believe. Yuengling Light has a light caramelized malt flavor with a bit of a toasted character and very little hop taste. The body is light and the bubbly action keeps the beer at a refreshing level.
Yuengling Light lager has nothing unique to offer in terms of taste, but it has enough going for it to make it standout among other light beers. It is, as expected, a somewhat watered down (seemingly, based on taste) version of regular Yuengling. But Yuengling Light is actually a little better than the average light brew because the lightness factor is less pronounced. There is still some decent taste to be found in Yuengling Light, in contrast to other American light lager, which are often like yellow- colored water and seem very little like the regular beers they are supposed to represent.
Yuengling Light is a good option for those who count calories. It is one of the very few beer products with fewer than 100 calories per 12 oz. serving and since it does have more taste than average, consumers can save a few calories while not sacrificing a large degree of taste. I find it a little odd, however, that the product still has 8.5 grams of carbs because other light beer products with similar calorie levels have fewer carbohydrate grams. It also has a lower alcohol level than most. This combination of reduced alcohol and extra grams of carbs might explain why this light beer tastes better than others and still keeps the calories in check.
Light beer is generally something I avoid, but Yuengling Light is a decent tasting light beer with a fair amount of character and some memorable moments. The direct taste of cereal grains and sweet caramelized malt are not necessarily anything special, but the flavor is, overall, better than other American light beer and it is certainly worthy of a try.
Rating: 6 Cheers out of 10
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